Volunteers will identify, train and support persons in their communities willing to implement and follow the global normativity that is implied in the Consensus of Third Millenium Humanity: Norms for Planet Earth and the Universe. ( http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.mx/ ). Training fields are five: a)1980-2012 history of Consensus and Fourth Manifesto of Chetumal: to Planet Earth Inhabitants (1st to 24rd of the whereas); b)Content and limits of the three main cathegories of inalienable rights that guarantee satisfaction of real human being necessities as of January 1 2020 (Chapter 1); c)Description, interpretation and impact of the 20 characteristics that the human gender will have, coming 2020 (Chapter 2); d)Strategic 2010-2019 goals that, if attained, will allow for a sufficiently transformed humanity upon arrival of 2020 (Transition Decade, http://manifiestochetumal.blogspot.mx/2012/08/cambioacelerado-2010-2020-con.html); Favorable and opossing forces to profound human gender change. In case of interest, please address message to Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca , with subject: "voluntary training for consensus norms", in the comments section of our Consensus Blog ( http://consensohumanidad.blogspot.mx/).